Tuesday, June 26, 2012

MOBICHARTS: A Notation to Specify Mobile Computing Applications

MOBICHARTS: A Notation to Specify Mobile Computing Applications


      A standard notation, that unambiguously expresses different aspects of a system, is important to the process of software development. The expressiveness of a standard notation helps analysts and developers to describe a computing scenario or to formulate software architecture and then to communicate these decisions unambiguously to other team members. Much attention is already given to the software development methodologies and architectural descriptions. Specifically, Statecharts and state transition diagrams have been used to show the state space of a system, the events that cause state transitions and the actions that result from a state change. The paradigm shift to object-oriented programming has changed the method of system analysis and design from traditional top-down approach to
bottom-up object-oriented approach. This change in approach has motivated the development of Objectcharts that depict the behavior of objects used in a system.This paper extends the notational capabilities of Objectcharts to specify the issues related to the mobile computing. We discuss the specialty and the limitations found in mobile computing to motivate the readers on the necessity of having methods for developing mobile computing applications. We have shown that  making use of all the niceties of Statecharts as well as Objectcharts, the formalism can be extended for developing mobile computing applications. First, we discuss the need for an extension of Objectchart notation by showing the limitations of Objectcharts in specifying mobile computing applications. Second, we propose an extension to Objectcharts,
referred to as Mobicharts. The proposed Mobicharts can specify the important characteristics of mobile computing applications. We illustrate typical mobile computing characteristics such as migration, hoarding, cloning, synchronization, sharing and disconnected operations using Mobicharts.

1. Introduction

      Having a well-defined and expressive notation is important to the process of software development. Standard notations make it possible for describing a computing scenario or developing software architecture and then unambiguously communicate these decisions to others. A notation is a vehicle for capturing the reasoning about the behavior and architecture of a system. A number of notations have been reported in literature to specify the behavior of systems, viz. While most of the literature deals with specification of different aspects of object-oriented paradigm, there is very little work on the use of Statecharts or Objectcharts for modeling mobile computing applications.  Characteristics of mobile computing environments differ from traditional ones due to various factors, like wireless communication media, limited resources of mobile devices, mobility of users from one place to another, and so on.Mobile computing applications must be aware of the characteristics of the environment, should have the capabilities to overcome the challenges of the environment, and should be able to take advantage of the mobility. We find that the notations reported in literature, such as Statecharts and Objectcharts, are not sufficient to expressively specify mobile computing applications. A Statechart is used to show the state space of a given system, the events that cause a transition from one state to another, and the actions that result from a state change. In, Coleman et al. extended the Statechart formalism referred to as Objectcharts, that have the same features of Statecharts and some more features to model the characteristics of object-oriented systems. Objectcharts model the dynamic behavior of an object in its lifetime. In this paper, we introduce a notation, called Mobicharts, for specifying mobile computing applications. Mobile computing environment, albeit a distributed computing environment, is different due to its typical features of disconnections, and limited resources of mobile host. A mobile computing application is elegant when it is designed to adapt to the location it visits. Though objects can be thought of as building blocks to model mobile computing applications, Objectchart formalism does not provide mechanisms to model the typical features of mobile computing applications. Some important mobile computing features are specifying object location, migration, inheritance, hoarding,cloning, sharing and synchronization. Currently, Objectcharts, do not have clean mechanisms to specify the above features. In this work, we extend the specification of an object with a handler called container. Container of an object not only specifies the object location, but also models inheritance of container properties of the object. We also enrich Mobichart to be capable of to modeling the above features. We show that using Mobicharts, users can design mobile computing applications by specifying application specific actions during the phenomena that occur in a mobile environment. Based on the proposed Mobicharts,we are developing a programming environment in order to automate the  development of mobile computing application. In addition, we are working on mobile computing application testing strategies using Mobicharts specifications. Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a brief overview of Statecharts, and Objectcharts. Section 3 describes characteristics of mobile computing application development environments and system model for the same. In section 4, we illustrate some of the inadequacies of Objectcharts through a process of modeling a mobile computing application. Further, we arrive at solutions to overcome these inadequacies. In section 5, describe in detail Mobicharts and illustrate using Mobicharts different features of mobile computing applications. In section 5.2, the application of mobile host considered earlier is specified using Mobicharts illustrating the expressive power of Mobicharts. The paper concludes with a discussion in section 6. 

2. Objectcharts

      The life cycle behavior of an object class/system may be modeled by a Statechart. The states of a Statechart represent various stages that an object of a class (or a system) may go through. In other words, a Statechart represents a view of the dynamic model of an entire system in its lifetime. It can also be used to model hierarchy, concurrency, and broadcast communications in a system. Two essential elements of a Statecharts are states and state transitions. A state of an object is a snapshot that depicts the features of an object, its interaction with other objects, action or waiting for other events.An event is some occurrence that causes the state of a system/object to change, and this change of state is called state transition. There are three types of states in a Statechart, namely: OR-states,ANDstates and basic states. Objectchart, which is an extension to Harel's Statechart, describes the state changes in a single class. Objectcharts depict states as rounded boxes, transitions as directed lines between states, and can represent AND and exclusive OR decompositions.  

3. Environment and its specifications

      Convergence of wireless communication and computing technologies has given rise to mobile computing. This new paradigm allows mobility of user (computing devices) thereby providing anywhere, anytime computing facilities. Mobility of user has increased the possibilities of usage in manifold as compared to distributed computing environment with static network. For example, users can get access to the Internet while on move, can get location specific data etc. A mobile computing environment includes Mobile Support Stations (MSS) and Mobile Hosts (Mhs). Each MSS is responsible for managing a number of mobile hosts in a geographic location called cells. As mobile hosts change their location frequently, some hosts enter a cell and at the same time, some other hosts may leave that cell. The number of mobile hosts present in a cell is dynamic in nature. A host, on entering a cell, announces its entry to the MSS of that cell. The MSS registers the mobile host after proper authentication. The MSS also provides different services to all Mhs residing in its cell, viz., routing information, message forwarding to/from other MSSs, and message queuing services in case of disconnection of Mhs. In an environment, support stations are connected by wired network while wireless network is established among a support station and the hosts residing in the cell (Fig.2). We assume that the mobile hosts communicate only with the MSS residing in that cell. Even if one mobile host wants to communicate to another mobile host, the communication will be made through MSSs of their respective cells. Thus, communication network of an environment comprises of both wired and wireless communication network.
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Mobile computing environment is constrained in many ways. Mobile units themselves are resource poor with respect to battery power, processing power, and memory. They are inherently unreliable in the sense that their network connectivity is often achieved through low bandwidth wireless links. In addition, during movement of user (device) from one cell to another (handoff), the device is disconnected from network for unpredictable amount of time. Moreover, to save resources of the device, the users may disconnect themselves for variant periods. Difficulties raised by these constraints are compounded by mobility that induces variability in availability of both communication and computational resources. These severe restrictions have great impact in the design and implementation of mobile computing applications. This motivates the development of new notational specifications to model behavior of mobile computing applications. Application development for mobile computing environment is affected by special characteristics of the environment itself.

3.1. State Model of Environment

      In this section, we shall describe the key roles that makes a mobile computing environment. We shall highlight the activities of a mobile host (MH) and a mobile support station (MSS) through typical mobile computing scenarios using Statecharts. Through this, we shall highlight the environment in which applications have to be developed and briefly explain MH, MSS. 

3.1.1. States of a Mobile Host:

Your browser may not support display of this image. Your browser may not support display of this image. Here, we model the basic activities of a mobile host. One may view a mobile host in one of the following states, namely, Doze, Join, Active, and Leave. A host, on joining a cell, assumes the state Join, indicating that the host establishes communication link with the cell's MSS. After a host registers itself with the cell's MSS, the host can either be in Active state or Doze state based on its work agenda and external stimuli. An MSS registers a mobile host after obtaining the required information about the host, and updating the databases that keep information about all the hosts present in its cell. A host can change its state from Active to Doze and vice-versa. In Doze state, a host does not do any computation, apart from listening to some external events. In this state, the host reduces its CPU speed to conserve its battery. Active state is composed of four concurrent states/substates, namely, HTx, HRx, Hcomp and Check. In HTx and HRx states, a mobile host performs message transmission and reception respectively.Actual execution of application programs is performed in HComp state. Hcomstate can further be  divided into substate to represent computation in either connected or disconnected mode of the device. It must be noted that a host can continue computation in disconnected mode. The Check state concurrently checks for the wireless connectivity to the MSS. This state helps in identifying abrupt unplanned disconnections. In case of disconnection, the Check state generates an event that changes the substates of HComp state from connected to disconnected mode. We assume that a host, before leaving a cell, assumes Doze state, and then assumes Leave state on being disconnected.  

3.1.2. States of Mobile Support Station (MSS):

     Some of the responsibilities of MSS are: (a) to route messages, (b) to handle wired transmission/ reception of messages to/from devices in fixed network, (c) to handle the wireless transmission/ reception of messages to/from mobile hosts in its cell, (d) to manage the buffers (Mailboxes) to store messages for a host, when the host is disconnected, (e) to keep track of the registration information of incoming and outgoing hosts in the cell and (f) to forward any message to the host after it has moved. These responsibilities/ tasks can be grouped into two broad categories: location management and message handling. Let these activities be called LocMgmt and MsgHandling. The message handling again consists of locating mobile hosts LocateHost and Comm. The MSS finds the location of a host before deciding which type of communication is required. If the  location of host is in the cell, then wireless communication would be used.
       If a host is in another cell, then LocateHost determines the host location and then forwards the message to corresponding MSS. In this case, the MSS would use wired communication. Two types of associated communications viz. wireless and wired, are performed  in states CommAir and CommLand respectively. These two states are concurrent substates of the state Comm. Again each of these two substates, CommAir and CommLand, are composed of two concurrent substates MSSTx and MSSRx, to concurrently transmit and  receive the messages simultaneously. The Register substate of LocMgmt registers a mobile user upon arrival in the cell. When a user leaves a cell, the Updatesubstate is used to delete the information about that user. If there is a message for a host after it leaves the cell then the message is directed to the host’s new location. It must be noted that MSS, in addition to work as a base station can participate in execution of an application. Particularly, here it is assumed that MSS stores messages for disconnected hosts and delivers message on reconnection of hosts, and provides ambiences to cloned tasks. 

4. An Example Scenario

      Here, we present an application that uses mobile agents on a wireless network. We also attempt to model the application using Objectchart to identify its inadequacies. A mobile computing application can be modeled by a set of interoperable objects located in different mobile hosts collaborating by passing messages among themselves.Consider a stock market broker, who has a mobile computing device. The broker has many shareholders as his business clients. The broker's businesses is to send current information about stock prices to shareholders and then get feedback from them regarding their decisions to purchase or sell shares. Some of the shareholders may have mobile devices and some others have PCs connected to a fixed network. We are interested in those having mobile devices. The stockbroker uses his mobile device to engage software agents for following purposes:
The agents collect information about the status of stock prices from central database of stock market.
The agents send the collected information to shareholders and then visit each of them to get their individual decisions regarding purchase/selling of shares.
• After collecting this information from shareholders, the agents come back to the broker and the broker uses this information for actual selling/purchase of shares on behalf of his customers. This example presents various aspects of mobility as described below:
a) While in search for shareholders on the network, the software agents may find the shareholder's device in disconnected mode.     b) While an agent complete its tasks in a shareholder's device, may find the device to be disconnected from the rest of the world
c) When an agent visits several shareholder’s devices in sequence, to collect the information from each of them, it may not be possible for the agent to complete the task in stipulated time. This is possible, because, an agent doing its work in a mobile device may find the device to be in disconnected mode. So,the agent  cannot move forward to other shareholder until the device is reconnected.
d) When an agent, after collecting information from shareholders, wants to return to the broker, it may find the broker's device to be in disconnected mode. The agents may clone themselves at different situations to increase parallelism of work done at different places. For example, in situation (a) above, when the software agent inquires the MSS about all hosts present in the MSS's cell, it may find some devices to be in active state and some others in disconnected state. In this situation, the agent clones itself on the MSS, delegating the task of information collection from mobile hosts in that cell to the cloned agent/task. Then, the original agent moves forward in quest of finding other potential shareholders at different MSS. In scenario (b), an agent doing its task of information collection may inquire the device of any planned disconnection in the device's schedule. If the agent cannot complete its task before the disconnection, the agent may clone itself and move on to other hosts. The cloned agent would take care of information collection from user, and wait for the host to get reconnected. As soon as the device reconnects, the cloned agent would return to the broker with the collected information. The scenario (c) can be taken care of again by cloning to increase the parallelism of computation at the MSS level or at the mobile device level. In case (d), when an agents returns to the broker's MSS, and finds that the broker's device is disconnected, the agents have to wait in the MSS until the broker reconnects again. Since, the same replica of the stock prices information is being circulated to all mobile clients, this can be thought of as shared data. The shared data resides on the MSS of the stock market and the MSS keeps a list of all the devices that are going to share the data. The software agent from the broker can provide this information to the MSS. Whenever there is some minor update on shared data, the MSS's responsibility is to propagate the updates to all devices that are sharing the data.  

4.1. Modeling the Example by Objectcharts

Your browser may not support display of this image. In figure 6, we give the object chart for the task of agent in a mobile host described in previous section. In this figure, we assume that upon joining a host device, the task assumes Join state. A task can join a host, when it is in Active state only. If a host is in Passive state, it comes to Active state on receiving wake-up signal from the MSS and then receives the task that wishes to join/migrate to the host. The Monitor substate of Active state is meant for monitoring the state of the device and take action accordingly. In addition, if the task on the client is over, it has to migrate itself to another host. In our application scenario, if the software agent has collected the information required from one shareholder, the agent moves to another host. Before migrating itself, the task will go to Passive state and save the computation. In this state, a task polls messages that are pending for the task on host message queue. If the message queue for the task is empty, the task moves from Passive state to Leave state.
The Compute substate of Active state specifies computation due to the task.The substate Compute can further be refined to specify/model the computational details of the task. The detailed model can show how the agent performs the task, what all variables are changed after the information from one shareholder has been obtained, and so on. The object chart shows the sequence of state transitions required for the agent tasks to interface with the computing environment. Here, we observe that, the state transition from Active state to Passive state is ambiguous. The same transition is followed from Active state with two different events 'doze' / 'move' or 'migrate', with the final state
being Passive state. In addition, we observe that the Objectchart is inadequate to represent
the following:
i) It cannot represent location based state transition e.g. based on location of the agent at a particular place, say near stock exchange, the agent could take specific action.
ii) It cannot represent the unpredictable nature of state transitions of a task.
iii) It cannot represent Object's ambience and inheritance among ambient objects.
iv) It may be noted here that the Leave state of the task is not a terminated state i.e. the task has not finished its execution. Rather, this state may be seen as a Frozen state, in which a task can sail through network in dormant mode to resume its active execution elsewhere. This behavior of task is known as Task Migration and during this process, state of the task is preserved. Objectchart specifications do not explicitly specify these
characteristics of task.
v) Another feature of the scenario application is that, in the Active Compute state, a task can clone itself at the device and then migrate to another device through the network.                
vi)A task, having the responsibility of updating the shared data by communicating the changes to all sharing devices, cannot predict when the update operation would be over. So, the behavior of such tasks depends on behavior of some other mobile devices on the network. This behavior of task cannot be captured by Objectcharts.  

5. Mobicharts

In this section, we extend Objectcharts to support the design and development of mobile computing applications. We describe a set of services to ease the process of mobile computing application design and development. Further, the following additional features are added to enrich Objectcharts to overcome the inadequacies highlighted earlier:
• A disconnected state: A special state designated as 'Disconnected', and drawn in dotted lines, is inserted between every two states, between which the objects/task can be disconnected. This state handles all messages
destined for the object during disconnected state, by maintaining a message queue in the 'container' and storing all messages in it until the object again enters the Connected state.
Container (handle): Each state of an object is associated with the operating environment called its container. The container (handle) is used to represent the location of an object. Containers in Mobicharts enable us to model the location of the object. Other user-defined
data items that are to be changed every time the location changes can also be handled using the container handle by incorporating them in the container. In conventional Objectcharts, we can only model states of an object. Here, we are able to model states of an object at a particular location. It also models the inheritance of container Properties by the object. So, a container for task/object could be a mobile host or it could be a MSS or container for mobile host could be the MSS of the cell in which the host resides. All mobile objects/tasks have certain essential functionality/services that are required for implementing other features of the application. The services that can be used on demand are as follows:

(a) Migration: Every task has to migrate from one host to another or from a host to a MSS and viceversa at some point of time, to perform some action. Steps are:
Your browser may not support display of this image. • Task to be migrated is first 'Frozen' and then transmitted to the destination.
• The frozen task at destination is reactivated
• All messages for the task to be migrated are stored in the corresponding message queue in the previous host.Mobicharts notation for task migration is shown in figure 7 (b). Currloc is the handler for the task in frozen and disconnected state. The handler provides the location of the object on hand. The state Disconnected with the Currloc shows that the object in migration is not able to migrate due to disconnection of the host. If there is a disconnection by the source host device, then the task goes to the Disconnected state and waits for the event reconnected. Upon reconnection, the transition from Disconnected to Newloc-Frozen state by the action Join (Newloc) takes place. In case there is no disconnection of the device, then the transition Leave and Join merge into a single one. The introduction of disconnected state helps us to model the unpredictable behavior of the task.

Your browser may not support display of this image.(b) Inheritance: When an object joins a new container, all variables qualified with the keyword inherit in the object are automatically updated with values of corresponding variables in the container.

(c) Hoarding: To continue computation, a task in disconnected state, may require some data stored in a place other than the device where the task is executing. Thus, prior to disconnection, the data could be fetched and stored in local buffer for later usage during disconnection. This hoarding of information may require the user to specify the items to be hoarded and the sources from where they have to be fetched (usually the MSS). In addition, the task on hand or the application may specify the items to be hoarded. Once this information regarding hoarding data and their locations are acquired,
Service takes care of maintaining the buffers, connecting service takes care of maintaining the buffers, connecting to the data sources and hoarding the information until disconnection occurs. If the hoarded items are updated to the data sources and hoarding the information until disconnection occurs. If the hoarded items are updated during disconnection, reconciliation of data is performed by this service whenever it is necessary, like upon reconnection or on specific request by the task.

(d) Cloning: A task may require creating a new task with the same functionality or a scaled down task. Cloning is used to make an exact replica of an executing task. The rules followed are: (a) the task should be in active state before cloning, (b) The cloned task becomes a new task by joining the host and then continuing execution, and (c) A cloned task could be a downsized task. 

Your browser may not support display of this image. Your browser may not support display of this image. (e) Sharing: Sharing and synchronization are for cooperating tasks, which execute concurrently. When a task wants to share some variables with other tasks, it declares the variables as shared, and this task is known as the owner task of these variables. Other tasks wishing to use the variable register themselves with owner task and maintain a copy of the variables.Whenever a shared variable is updated in the owner task, messages are passed by the owner task to all registered tasks accessing the shared data. Tasks are allowed for read-only access of the shared variables present in the owner task. The Mobicharts notation is shown in figure 11 (b). Here, after sending update messages to the , the owner task waits to receive acknowledgements from other tasks. If timeout of message occurs, the message is sent again. This is continued either for a predetermined number of times or for a predetermined amount of time.If no acknowledgement is received from other tasks, they are assumed to be either disconnected state or are no longer existing.
Your browser may not support display of this image. So, the owner task removes the task entries  from the <tasklist> and continues. After the owner task receives acknowledgement from all other tasks in the <tasklist>, then only it continues its own operation/computing.

(f) Synchronization: This service could be thought of as an application of read-write sharing. Whenever, pieces of codes need to be synchronized in two or more tasks, they can use a global variable and a predicate on that variable. The global variable is kept globally on the MSS to reduce communication overhead. This global variable is taken care of by this synchronization service. The predicate on global variable is used as the execution condition for the method that require synchronization. If the predicate on global variable evaluates to true, then the method is
executed; other wise, the task continues to apply the predicate on the global variable. Mobicharts for the synchronization service is shown in figure.

5.1 Developing Mobicharts

Here, we describe the steps to be followed for a systematic development of Mobicharts specification of applications:
a) Enumerate the tasks to be performed by application. Identify the tasks/objects that might be using services like migration, hoarding etc. Identify the hoarding information that might be used while application executes. Identify potential methods of tasks/objects that might need synchronization. Also find out potential variables that may be shared by different objects and make list of all tuples <shared variable, tasklist>. Enumerate inherited variables of the objects or tasks.
b) For all major tasks/objects classes, enumerate their possible states and state transitions. Also, find the type of services these tasks offer and the services they may
require from other tasks/objects.
c) For conventional state transitions, use Objectchart notation to depict the behavior.
d) Within a location transition, there is a possibility of disconnection.Between such states of tasks/objects,insert/introduce another state Disconnected.
Your browser may not support display of this image. e) Enumerate all possible locations that the object/task may go through. For each state of an object,mention the location with the help of container handler.
f) For each object/task in application, associate a message queue at all location they may visit in their lifetime.
g) With respect to state transitions that require the services offered by Mobicharts,use Mobi charts notation to describe the state transition services.

5.2. Mobichart Specification of a Task

Here we give the detailed mobichart specification of the Compute substate of the Active state (cf. figure 6) of a task in a host. In this state, a task has two more substate, namely, Connected and Disconnected. In Disconnected substate, a task may continue to execute independently using the hoarded information in the state DisconnectedExecute’ In the Connected state, there are two concurrent executions, one for executing the task and the other for hoarding of information.The Mobicharts specification is   shown in figure13. 

6. Conclusion

      Your browser may not support display of this image.  Mobilecomputing environment is a kind of distributed computing environment but with characteristics like mobility of systems, their limited resources and intermittent disconnections in network due to environmental vagaries. A mobile computing application can be modeled by a set of interoperable objects located in different mobile hosts and collaborate by passing messages among themselves. While objects may move to different hosts, hosts can change locations (cells). A simple mobile computing application can be thought of as a collection of actions corresponding to events.The event-action paradigm is a generic computing model and object oriented design approaches like UML  and Objectcharts can be used to model applications in this paradigm. As discussed in section 4, these classical design approaches are not suitable to model typical characteristics viz. location awareness, migration, hoarding, synchronization, cloning, sharing and disconnection management. In the proposed Mobicharts– an extension of Objectchart – has visual specifications to model these characteristics. Hence, an application designer not only can use Mobicharts to specify state changes of objects participating in this application but also can model system behaviors during the phenomena that are special to this computing
environment. Based on the proposed Mobicharts, we are developing a programming environment in order to automate the mobile computing application development process. In addition, we propose to develop a mobile computing application testing strategies using specifications made in Mobicharts. 


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[12] V. Anil Kumar, Maruthi, “Mobile Charts – A Notation for Developing Mobile Computing Applications”, M.Tech Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Hyderabad, December 2001

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